Standing Ovation


This bright and classic bouquet is bursting with beautiful hues of orange, yellow and green and it is sure to catch your eye. Standing Ovation includes green trick dianthus, roses, brunea, gerbera, carnations, button pom pom, spray rose, leucodendron, and hypericum. Ruscus and jumbo palm foliage complement the look. The arrangement is delicately placed together with a moss coloured cording to complete the look. Carnations symbolize love, fascination and distinction. Spray roses represent gratitude and love. Leucodendron symbolizes simple love. Roses are a classic symbol of love and passion. The flowers in this bouquet come together beautifully to symbolize a simple and pure love that is built on a solid base of friendship. Standing Ovation is an excellent gift choice to show someone special that you love them. While this is a classic bouquet, it is also very vibrant and fun, making it appropriate for a variety of occasions when you really want to show someone just how much you care.

Learn about selecting size

Upgrading Your Gift

The floral arrangement you have chosen may be upgraded by one of our designers:

Classic – A bouquet that is designed as similar as possible to the one pictured.

Deluxe – An upgraded bouquet that includes more flowers in the style and colour of the original design. These bouquets appear fuller than those pictured.

Extraordinary – A substantially upgraded bouquet that includes even more flowers in the style and colour of the original design. These arrangements will often contain more expensive flowers and an upgraded container when possible.

Plants and Dish Garden upgrades will be larger, contain more plants and be placed in a more decorative container, when available.

Upgraded Fruit, Gourmet and Gift Baskets will be larger than those pictured, contain a greater number of items and will be designed to reflect the additional value.

The perfect arrangement to make it extra special
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Kilworth, Komoka, Lambeth, Muncey, Mt. Brydges, Oneida, St. Thomas.

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2445 Main Street
London, ON N6P 1R1
